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The Department of Employment and Social Services

The Department of Employment and Social Services is responsible for social work, employment, and integration.

Deputy Mayor Christoffer Lilleholt

(The Left)

Tolderlundsvej 2
DK - 5000 Odense C

Mobile: +45 30 60 43 56
E-mail: [email protected]




The Department of Employment and Social Services is responsible for several tasks in City of Odense, including:

  • Social work
  • Employment
  • Integration
The Department of Employment and Social Services has approximately 1.400 employees.

The CEO of The Department of Employment and Social Services is:
René Junker
Phone: +45 23 41 42 28
The City of Odense
  • Flakhaven 2
  • 5000 Odense C
  • Phone: + 45 66 13 13 72
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