The Department of Culture, Sport and Urban development
The Department of Culture, Sport and Urban Development is responsible for the libraries, sports facilities, and cultural activities.

Deputy Mayor Søren Windell
(The Conservative)
Odense Slot (Odense Castle)
Nørregade 36
DK - 5100 Odense C
Phone: +45 65 51 20 00
E-mail: [email protected]
The Department of Culture, Sport and Urban Development has the following responsibilities:
- Administration of libraries, sports facilities and cultural activities
- Supporting communities, voluntary associations and clubs
- Urban planning
- Traffic management
- Urban renewal and housing improvement
- Environmental and building authority
- Land supply plus purchase and sale of real estate
- Facility management of council property
- Construction and management of roads, public spaces, churchyards and parks
- District heating supply
Phone: +45 65 51 20 01
E-mail: [email protected]